Monthly Archives: October 2014

Buon Halloweeeeeeeen..Trick Or Treat??!!

Halloween, the traditional spooky day of costumes, fright and eating candy is starting to catch on here in Italy. Throughout Italy you will often see carved pumpkins, costumed kids running through the piazzas and signs for Halloween themed parties at local restaurants or clubs. In some areas you’ll even find Halloween tours of medieval towers, […]

The Flavian Amphitheater

Up the hill from the port of Pozzuoli and the city’s first marketplace, sits the third largest amphitheater in Italy after the Colosseum in Rome and the amphitheater at Capua. It is known as the Flavian Amphitheater because it was constructed during the reign of the Flavian Dynasty (69 – 96 AD) and designed by […]

National Archaeological Museum, Naples

Located in the heart of Naples city, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples houses one of the most important collections of classical archaeology in the world. Set in the massive 16th century palace Palazzo degli Studi, the museum was founded by Ferdinand IV in 1777. Formed from the discoveries from the Vesuvian Excavations which were […]

The Festival of Thrush

The Festival of the Thrush is the biggest and most important festival for Montalcino in which the entire population is involved at all levels. It is a folk festival following the oldest collective mechanisms of theatrical logic; to see and be seen. The festivities include food, dance and celebration that culminate in the challenge of […]

Sagra del Fungo e della Castagna -Mushrooms and Chestnuts Festival

While you are on a holiday in Tuscany, Italy, you will have plenty of additional opportunities to immerse yourself in the culture of Tuscany and the spirit of medieval times. The area’s beautiful villages are the perfect setting for numerous Medieval fairs, animated by characters in historical costumes, minstrels and storytellers, wandering musicians, flag throwers […]

Abruzzo – Time For Some Pasta

October is the best month for food festivals in Italy, particularly chestnuts, chocolate, mushrooms, pasta and truffles. You can find wine harvest celebrations and food festivals throughout the country. Big international food events take place in October. Also, the fourth Sunday of October is celebrated as World Pasta Day. Pasta is one of the world’s […]

Strike Good Bargains At Flea Markets

There are few good outdoor markets and flea markets which are held every month or annually in Piedmont. Though, not as famous as some of the other regions of Italy, the outdoor markets in Piedmont are still worth visiting since they offer plenty of good opportunities for visitors to find good products that have been […]

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Milan is one of the well-known cities not only of Italy but of the world. It has an impact in the political world as after the Second World War this city had lost many of the things. It thrived from those instances to become a modern city of the world. The city has many wooing […]

The Cappella Sistina

The Cappella Sistina or the Sistine Chapel is best known for two of the most awe-inspiring acts of individual creativity in the history of the visual arts, Michelangelo’s Genesis frescoes on the barrel-vaulted ceiling and his Giudizio Universale on the end wall. One of the world’s greatest public spaces, Bernini’s massive piazza is a breathtaking […]